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County: Jefferson

Louisville City Hall

Marker Number: 



Sixth & Jefferson, Louisville

This building, a merger of the French Second Empire and Italianate style, was erected, 1871-73, from plans of John Andrewartha. Mansard clock tower designed by Henry Whitestone to replace one that burned in 1875. The Annex was added in 1909; its architect was Cornelius Curtin. Louisville City Hall Complex was listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 1976. Over.

Reverse Description:

Sixth and Jefferson - This area has been Louisville's civic center since 1784, when log courthouse was begun on south side of Jefferson near Sixth. In 1788 it was replaced by a stone structure. Brick courthouse stood here, 1811-1837. Across Sixth Street was "gaol," whipping post and pillory. Abraham Lincoln visited Pirtle and Speed law offices nearby in summer of 1841.
