Teaching Kentucky History Institute
The Kentucky Historical Society is excited to offer Kentucky Social Studies teachers the Teaching Kentucky History Immersive Institute (TKHI), a five-day, content-rich professional learning opportunity. KHS will welcome teachers to the Thomas D. Clark Center for Kentucky History in Frankfort, where they will participate in three days of discussion focused on the early history of Kentucky led by top scholars. We will explore topics related to indigenous populations, European settlement, and the role of Kentucky in the American Revolution. All pre-reading materials will be provided in addition to resources and lessons to use in the classroom. The final two days of the institute will take place on the road, visiting sites of related historical significance. Accommodations will be at a Kentucky state park. Selected participants will be responsible for transportation to and from Frankfort and a few meals. KHS will cover all other costs associated with the TKHI.
Teachers selected to participate in TKHI will be notified by February 14, 2025. To be considered, all application materials MUST be received by December 15, 2024. This includes ONE letter of recommendation from a current supervisor or colleague. If submitted by email, the letter should be addressed to Sarah.Mclntosh@ky.gov with "TKHI RECOMMENDATION" in the subject line.
Letters may also be sent to KHS c/o Sarah McIntosh, 100 W Broadway St., Frankfort, KY 40601. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Completing this application indicates that you intend to participate fully in the Teaching Kentucky History Institute July 7-11, 2025, if selected. This includes but is not limited to completing the pre-institute readings, engaging fully in all sessions and activities, and being present for the entirety of the scheduled program.
The selection committee will use the following criteria to determine participants for the 2025 program:
- Demonstrated commitment to social studies instruction,
- A plan to share your learning with colleagues, geographic distribution from across Kentucky to ensure state-wide inclusion,
- Agreement to fully participate in ALL five days of programming.
Applicants are not expected to have expertise in the topics covered during the program. In fact, the TKHI is designed to provide content-rich professional learning for teachers who identify these topics as areas for needed growth. If you have any questions about the program or need to withdraw your name from consideration at any time, please contact Sarah.Mclntosh@ky.gov for assistance.
Applications will be accepted from September 15 - December 15, 2024.