Chuck Welsko
Civil War Governors of Kentucky Project Manager
Why? An endless search to understand the past and the decisions made by previous generations led Chuck to a lifelong study of history. From grad school to internships with the Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania National Military Park and Ford’s Theatre Society to the classroom, Chuck has always been asking questions and studying the past. Arriving at KHS to work on the Civil War Governors of Kentucky Digital Documentary Edition (CWGK), Chuck brings a lifetime of curiosity and educational experience.
Chuck is a scholar of 19th-century American history and the Civil War Era, with a Ph.D. in history from West Virginia University. He has also worked as a public historian, published an article on loyalty in Civil War West Virginia, “Like a Dark Cloud”: Loyalty, Virtue, and War in Western Virginia, 1861–1863,” and shared his work with students and peers for as long as he can remember.
Staff member since 2019.