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America250KY Teacher Resource Hub

America250KY Teacher Resource Hub

Kentucky Historical Society Resources

Resources for teachers, students, and parents related to the 250th.

Access our digital collections to find primary source artifactsdocuments, and images.

Educator Professional Learning: Empowering Educators Through Archives

Khs Flyer Empowering Educators Through Archives Civics Series

KET Education

Kentucky Studies

Discover the rich culture of Kentucky through the stories of people, places, and events in this Kentucky Studies collection. The Kentucky Studies collection features Kentuckians who made their mark on history not only in Kentucky but the world. Learn about the places and events that made Kentucky what it is today.


Ken Burns in the Classroom

Ken Burns and his collaborators have been creating historical documentary films for more than forty years. Known for a signature style that brings primary source documents, images, and archival video footage to life on screen, these films present the opportunity to pose thought-provoking questions for students, and introduce new ideas, perspectives, and primary sources. 

Other Resources

To add your resource to the hub, please complete and submit the attached .pdf, or the form below. Questions? Contact Maddie Menz at

America250KY Teacher Resource Hub Application