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US 60, Smithland
Erected about 1780: one of the luxury inns built to accommodate the travelers on the Ohio River. Host to many celebrities of that era including Presidents James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor; founder American Red Cross, Clara Barton; authors Charles Dickens and Lew Wallace; and Henry Clay. Lafayette was a guest here in May of 1825 while on his triumphal U.S. tour.
Ned Buntline - Pen name of Edward Z. C. Judson, father of the dime novel, who came to Smithland to publish his works; lived here in 1845. He brought fame to "Buffalo Bill" (William Cody) thru stories and promotion of his renowned wild west show. He wrote of the marshals of the frontier west. In 1876, gave to Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and others Colt "Buntline Special" revolvers.