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Report an IssueFernwood Cemetery
840 Madison St., Henderson
Established 1849, cemetery contains graves of some noted Kentuckians; among them are Lazarus Powell and John Y. Brown. Powell, Henderson's first governor (1851-55), began state's first geological survey to develop mineral and agricultural resources. Brown elected to U.S. House of Rep. while underage; later served 2 more terms. Supported new constitution and became gov. 1891.
Fernwood Cemetery - Buried here is Archibald Dixon, who served in Ky. House of Rep. and Senate. Lt. gov. 1844-48 under Wm. Owsley; appointed U.S. senator in 1852 to complete term of the late Henry Clay. Teacher Mary Towles Sasseen, who led her class in first observance of Mother's Day, May 1887, and promoted its recognition nationwide, also buried here. Over. Presented by Henderson Jr. Historical Society.